Our Dream Geo Adventure in Iowa

I guess everyone has their own "dream" vacation...Vegas, Poconos, Hawaii. But for us, ours is Iowa! Whenever people ask us "Iowa? What's in Iowa?!" and they give us a confused look, we always respond happily with "NOTHING!! And that's the point!" lol For us, a great vacation is a get-the-hell-away trip. There's a lot of land, peace & quiet, and stunning scenic views in Iowa.

So it's only fitting that our dream vacation is just a short 4 hours away. We haven't been there in nearly 2 years (wow..it's been that long already?!), but we're anxious to go!! This year (2012) has been extrememly hard on us, espeically finanically. Frankly, it's been the worst year of my life. It started getting crappy in January, and as of 2 days ago, my streak of horrible luck is still going strong.

We moved from one horrible apartment to another (the lack of management here is unreal), we've had to deal with psycho neighbors, I lost my grandfather to cancer, watched my grandmother sink into sadness that I've never seen & broke my heart (she seems to be A LOT better now though!, thank god!), I was in/out of the hospital for over a month (ER visits for 10-12 hrs at a time, stayed overnight twice) for something they couldn't diagnose at first...turned out that I tore every muscle in my left adominal wall from playing raquetteball and they felt like mini charlie horses in my stomach..very painful.) Oh, and then my car broke down about 5 times in the span of 2 months...shelled out my savings to fix it, and as of 2 days ago, it broke down again. (I'm currently trying to sell it). Sooooo...now we're down to 1 car for at least another year. Oyyy. *head-desk*

Oh, and cap all of that off with taking my dog...my "daughter" (we're pet parents) to the vet ER the other week for a mystery deep gash wound that Chris found in her arm pit. So once again, what little savings I had, was depleted just so that I could pay the vet bill.

Looking to the future...

With 2013 coming up, I just wanna focus on a NEW YEAR with positivity and hope!! :) Chris & I are in dire need of a vacation, and with Iowa being our favorite spot, that's where our dream geocaching vacation spot would be!

And of course, Bella would love it too!! (She loves geocaching!!)

Anyways, we're trying to work as much as we can to save up for the trip in the Spring/Summer. We figure we'll need about $420 for gas, food, & hotel for 2-3 days. If you'd like to throw a couple bucks towards our trip, we'd be so appreciative!!! :)

We'll be taking videos and pictures of journey from start to finish! Worst case scenario, we save up enough money to do an overnight trip somewhere closer to home. Either way, we'll definitley do a getaway trip!

Stay tuned...

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